Attention Bird Hunters!
The ranch is home to our 800-acre Controlled Shooting Area (CSA) located 8-miles northwest of Crawford, Nebraska. We are one of the only CSA’s in Sioux County. We release for hunting both pheasants and chukars and operate hunts from September 1st through March each year. The ranch shares a border with Fort Robinson State Park, which is home to pine ridges and sandstone escarpments. Our beautiful views only add to the experience as hunters enjoy chasing and hunting our birds.
We raise both pheasants and chukars at the ranch from day-old chicks that arrive through the U.S. Postal Service. These chicks are immediately placed in a controlled environment and transferred to our newly constructed “state of the industry” flight pens at 7 to 8 weeks of age. We also purchase juvenile birds from a Nebraska game farm to support our bird demand for the upcoming hunting season.

Most hunts are a half day, although we can accommodate groups that may want additional birds for a full day of hunting enjoyment. Our packages are set up to provide you and your group the option of either pheasant, chukar, or a combination package. Prior to booking, feel free to inquire about the release of extra birds.
The ranch can provide hunting guides and a well-trained bird dog, if requested for a minimal fee. Most of our hunts are non-guided, but on occasion for larger groups or newer hunters to our sport having a guide and a well-trained bird dog is pivotal for a successful hunting experience.
Due to our topography, we have the ability to make hunts as easy or as challenging as our hunting guests desire. For those hunters that may want a real chukar challenge, we can release birds near the top of our rim to replicate a wild bird hunting experience.

Upon arrival at the ranch, all hunting guests will congregate for “sign-in” in our recently constructed insulated and heated steel building. Inside the steel building, we have added a 20×20 “Hunters Hideaway” fully equipped to provide a handy lounge for hanging out and telling stories combined with hydrating before and after the hunt.
Hunting guests will be required to sign a liability waiver and each hunter must have a habitat stamp and a small game license. RimRock ranch is a licensing agent for Nebraska Game and Parks and can issue licenses at the ranch, including a designated non-resident CSA only small game license.
For a warm-up, the ranch has an auto clay target thrower for those that may want to brush up on their wing shooting before setting afield. We suggest that hunting guests bring some target loads and shoot some clay pigeons before hunting for the day. Please do not forget hearing protection and one article of orange before setting afield.

The trademark of the historic RimRock ranch house is the massive and unique petrified wood fireplace and the interior ponderosa pine logs and slabs that came directly from the ranch.